Who Are the Front Men of A Plus Paper Shredding?

Who are the first faces and voices that our customer’s see and hear? That would be our two salesmen, every one at A plus has an important role but the salesmen are the first people that the customer’s encounter. It is important that our salesmen represent our company in the best light possible. What does it mean to be a salesman at A Plus Paper Shredding? Who better to tell you than our lead salesman.

“My name is Gregg Callas. My position at A Plus Paper Shredding is typically called “Salesman”. But I’m not selling a service, I am providing peace of mind to business owners and businesses. I can provide a solution that protects their businesses.

What I do, which I love, is to solve problems for business owners and businesses. I can discover issues that business owners and businesses have with their hard copy sensitive information that leaves them vulnerable to having that information stolen. I get to help protect their sensitive information from getting in the wrong hands. And many times, I help them uncover issues they were never aware existed by helping them understand the risks their businesses are taking prior to working with A Plus Paper Shredding.

Every conversation I have with a prospect, or customer begins, and ends with a question. For the business owners and businesses who want, or need help, and who are willing to answer my questions, these risks are uncovered, and they become aware of the potential cost of continuing along how it’s been done and help them realize a solution that protects them.”

Gregg said it best, they are problem solvers who genuinely care about what happens to your sensitive documents. Without the salesmen we would not be where we are today, they have drive and passion for making A Plus Paper Shredding successful and they are great problem solvers.


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